Last Updated on September 12, 2024 by Robert Beadle

With all the rolling up I do, I can honestly say that Swisher Sweets Leaf is one of the best for rolling herbs. However, people may find them a little tricky to roll, although a real smoker can pearl just about anything; I know I can! Swisher Leaf only comes in a few select flavors, six to be exact; nonetheless, they’re the brand’s best-selling product.

Unfortunately, Swisher Leaf isn’t always easy to find—at least not until now! Luckily, I work in a smoke shop, so I get first dibs on receiving day. But don’t worry—I won’t smoke ’em all; I’ll save you some! I’ll also share my reviews and rankings on all the best cigarillos, blunts, wraps, cones, and rolling papers in our store! My reviews are always honest and always based on my experiences. 

So, who am I? Well, I’m Rob, just a regular dude with 31 years of experience rolling and smoking blunts! I can tell you everything about Swisher, but when it comes to all the flavors they offer, all I can provide is my honest opinion, but you’ll have to decide if they’re right for you. On that note, here’s my list of ranked flavors. Let me know if you agree! Feel free to shit on my opinions in the comments. Thanks!


1. Swisher Sweets Leaf Aromatic

As for myself, the Swisher Aromatic leaf is by far the best, especially if you enjoy a smooth, subtle taste when smoking herbs! I appreciate that the leaf is generally dark and slightly thicker than most. However, there’s a downside—sometimes, you’ll find a thick vein running through the middle that might require a bit of trimming. Despite that, this remains my #1 go-to choice among Swisher Leaf flavors.

2. Swisher Sweets Leaf Original 

My second choice among Swisher Leaf flavors is definitely the Original. I prefer a more natural leaf without any artificial flavors, and this one delivers every time without fail. The leaf has a tannish complexion and is also a thick cut, which helps it stay lit throughout most of the smoke session, especially if rolled properly. However, like other natural-cut leaves, the veins can sometimes be a hassle, but it’s still a solid pick.

3. Swisher Sweets Leaf Cognac

Coming in at third, I must give it up to Swisher Leaf Cognac! Standing out for its unique yet authentic-tasting flavor, it’s almost like having a drink and a smoke at the same time! I said, “Almost,” as having a real drink is definitely much better! However, the blended flavors add a touch of style and class, something I enjoy and appreciate. As for the leaf itself, it’s a premium cut, so you’ll encounter fewer veins compared to other natural leaf brands, making the rolling experience smoother and more enjoyable. It’s a solid choice for those looking for something with a bit of flair.

4. Swisher Sweets Leaf Honey

If you’re looking for a true nightcap, Swisher Sweets Leaf Honey is a solid choice, even though it’s not at the top of my list. The sweet taste of honey adds a nice touch, occasionally leaving a hint on the tip of your tongue. The leaves in these packs tend to be lighter and thinner, so you’ll need to roll with a bit more care to avoid tearing. While it’s not my first pick, it’s still a good option for those who enjoy a sweeter, more delicate smoke.

5. Swisher Sweets Leaf Irish Cream

Second to last on my list is Swisher Sweets Leaf Irish Cream. In my opinion, this flavor doesn’t stand out to me much, as it doesn’t provide a lot of flavor. It’s pretty similar to the original, which can be a good thing if you prefer to let the quality of your herbs take center stage. The leaf is lighter, appealing to those seeking a more subtle smoking experience. While it’s not a top contender for me, it’s still worth trying if you want a more neutral, slightly-flavored profile.

6. Swisher Sweets Leaf Peach Brandy

Finally, we have Peach Brandy at the bottom of my list. This one’s definitely for those who enjoy a strong Peach or Brandy flavor. The leaf is darker and slightly moist, which I like, although it can be a bit overwhelming when paired with high-quality herbs. The reason it’s last for me is simply personal preference—I’m not much into peach or brandy flavors. However, if those are your go-to flavors, you might enjoy this one! It’s all about what suits you! Give it a try, and let me know if you agree or disagree! 

Where to Buy Swisher Sweet Leaf Flavors

First and foremost, buying your Swishers online here at Bluegrass Tobacco just makes sense! Not only do they have all your favorite leaf flavors, but they also have the largest selection of cigarillo brands! Plus, they have the best prices, including nationwide flat-rate shipping, making them a top pick for those who like saving money and enjoy having their cigars delivered. As for myself, I work here, so I get mine as soon as they come off the truck, but just like you, if I snooze, I lose! Indeed, Swisher Leaf cigarillos sell fast, so you’ll want to get enough that’ll last, but save me some! logo
Online Tobacco Store

Product Disclaimer

Lastly, we don’t support or encourage smoking, including marijuana or tobacco. However, we’re all grown here at Bluegrass Tobacco, so if you’re 21+, then we can’t tell you anything! Not to mention, we smoke, too, including the author of this article. As for those under 21, turn around and leave; there isn’t anything here for you! Also, you must be 21 and live in the United States to buy tobacco and other smoking accessories. Thanks in advance for your time and attention. Stay healthy.