Al Capone Special Little Cigars
Are you ready for perfectly sized little cigars that pack a premium punch? Do you want to savor the flavors of distinctively decadent tobacco anytime? If so, you’ll definitely want to check out deliciously compact Al Capone Little Cigars.
Just like the gangster that they were named after, Al Capone Little Cigars are an international sensation. They’re made in Germany, stuffed with Brazillian short filler tobacco, and cradled in Nicaraguan wrappers. Manufactured in Europe by the world-renowned Denneman Tobacco Company, these cigars are of the highest quality. Overall, if premium satisfaction is what you’ve been craving, smooth, rich, and authentic Al Capone Cigars might be right for you.
As fresh, smooth, and bold as Al Capone himself, these little cigars come in a range of mouth-watering flavors. First of all, check out Al Capone Jamaican Blaze Filtered Little Cigars. With sweet tobacco undertones and top notes of real rum, they’ll quench your cravings for quality in an instant! Next, there are Al Capone Sweets. These delightfully sweet and indulgent little cigars offer you a mouthful of velvety and decadent smoke.
Other famous Al Capone Cigar variants include Filtered Sweets, Pockets, and Slims. Al Capone Pockets are ideal for those who want a compact little cigar to light up with while watching the game or relaxing with a cold drink. Slims are perfectly measured for a quick fix wherever your endeavors may take you. Then, Filtered Sweets offer indulgent flavor with comfortably refined satisfaction and a smooth finish.
If you want to take your smoking experience to new levels of flavor and quality, you can now get your Al Capone Little Cigars right here at BluegrassTobacco.Com! We strive to provide our customers with excellent service upon each order. With expedited nationwide delivery, your Al Capone Cigars will arrive fresh and ready to smoke straight out of the box!