Blackstone Cigars
Affordable, flavorful, and made with high-quality tobacco, Blackstone Cigars are some of the best on the market! Known for their distinctive aroma and signature tobacco blend, these cigars are manufactured by the famous Swisher International Company in Jacksonville, FL.
First released in 1997, Blackstone Cigars are some of the most popular little machine-rolled domestic cigars in the United States. Made using a signature blend of flavor-infused tobacco, these mildly sweet medium-bodied cigars have a delightful kick!
Moreover, Blackstone cigars are perfectly sized, come in convenient and easy to carry 10-count mini-packs, and include smooth tips. As such, they're superior for smoke breaks anytime, anywhere. Nothing can beat relaxing with a delicious and affordable Blackstone cigar!
If that's not enough, Blackstone Cigars also come in an array of delicious flavors. First up is the signature Cherry flavor. Cherry Blackstone Cigars are smooth, slightly sweet, and infused with the flavors of real black cherries. Or, for a peachy and delightful flavor like no other, try Blackstone Peach Tip Cigars! On top of that, Blackstone Cigars come in a Wine Tip flavor for sweet and decadent indulgence. Finally, Blackstone Cigars come in a smooth and creamy Vanilla Tip flavor. Vanilla Blackstone Cigars are wonderfully rich and pair well with a range of beverages.
No question about it, nothing can beat the price, smooth flavor, and convenience of delicious Swisher-made Blackstone Cigars. Here at BluegrassTobacco.Com, we sell fresh mouth-watering Blackstone Cigars in bulk packages at an unparalleled value. Indeed, when you order here, you can get them at close to wholesale prices! Plus, we have superior customer service and offer fast direct nationwide shipping. That way, you can skip the hassle of finding Blackstone Cigars at your local tobacco shop while also saving some cash!