Avanti Cigars
In Italian, the word ‘Avanti’ means forward. So, it makes sense that these innovative all-natural domestic cigars have topped the charts as one of the best options on the market today. Carefully crafted with only the finest tobacco ingredients, Avanti Cigars are fantastic for those with selective pallets and tight budgets!
Each delicious Avanti cigar burns smoothly, slowly, and evenly, for a satisfying smoke break like no other. Avanti Cigars also pair wonderfully with your favorite alcoholic beverages. Alternatively, they can be enjoyed after dinner, during the game, or at work for a superior and relaxing smoke break.
In addition to this, Avanti Cigars aren't wrapped in harsh or dry tobacco paper. Rather, each premium Avanti cigar comes carefully wrapped in a special Kentucky fire-cured tobacco leaf wrapper. These double-wrapped cigars are then clipped up and aged for 6 weeks. This gives them a distinctive shape and unparalleled flavor profile! In appearance, they resemble the cheroot cigars seen in old western films.
Inside of every Avanti cigar, you'll find a selective blend of fire-cured Hickory-smoked Kentucky Burley tobacco. This yields a rich full-bodied flavor like none other! These robust and smooth cigars are both decadent and sharp in flavor without any harshness. They also have a distinctive aroma that will leave your senses tantalized!
Moreover, Avanti Cigars are entirely free of additives and harsh chemicals. So, you'll experience an authentic and genuine all-natural and 100% pure tobacco smoking experience. Without a doubt, for those looking for distinctive flavors and slow-burning satisfaction, Avanti Cigars are the way to go!
If that's not enough, pure and flavorful Avanti Cigars come in a range of mouth-watering blends. These flavor-infused blends include Bourbon, Vanilla, and Anisette. Here at BluegrassTobacco.Com, we sell all of the most decadent Avanti Cigars at close to wholesale prices! You can also choose from 10-count 5-packs or 50-count Ramrod Bourbon boxes! With fast shipping and superior customer service, you can't go wrong when you shop here! Order your fresh Avanti Cigars today and experience the superiority and satisfaction for yourself.