If you’ve been looking for Russian Cream Backwoods, then we’re pleased to inform you that your search is now over! As an official retailer of Backwoods Cigars, Bluegrass Tobacco now offers 24-count boxes, and we deliver nationwide!
However, please note, Russian Cream Backwoods is one of the best-selling cigarillo flavors to ever hit the US market. In other words, we wouldn’t suggest waiting around to secure your order! That’s right; as a top-seller at Bluegrass Tobacco, these particular cigars sell out fast. In fact, we usually sell out within the first few weeks after stocking up! So as you can see, these bad boys don’t sit around for long!
On the bright side, we always keep a full supply of Russian Cream Backwoods on standby! With that said, keep us in mind the next time you shop for Backwoods online! As mentioned above, we go the distance to deliver all your tobacco products. Order your cigars today and save!